
Need some kitchen backsplash ideas or tub and shower surround tile ideas for your project? Enjoy these photos of installed tile murals that were sent to us by some of our many satisfied clients. – BE INSPIRED!


Click on an image of an installed tile mural to see a LARGER image view of that tile project Because we have so many images to show you we have created multiple Gallery pages.

Our gallery on installed customer photo from our Chefs kistchen splashback range.
One of our mural on Come dine with you and we have some in the Harry Potter Studio.

ehr geehrter Herr Ian,
im Anhang befinden sich zwei Bilder vom Ihrem Fliesenbild, dass ich im Jahr 2021 über Amazon gekauft habe.
Vielen Dank dafür. Ich bin sehr stolz auf das Fliesenbild von Ihnen.
Jeder der in die Backstube kommt ist von diesen begeistert.
Liebe Grüße aus Sachsen/Deutschland
Translator Google: English
Dear Mr. Ian,
Attached are two pictures of your tile picture that I bought from Amazon in 2021.
Thanks a lot for this. I am very proud of the tile picture of you.
Everyone who comes into the bakery is enthusiastic about them.
Greetings from Saxony/Germany